Sunday, July 24, 2011

Norwegian Terrorist Linked to Tea Party

Turns out the "terrorist" behind the Oslo, Norway bombing and mass killings was a White European Christian, with ties to the European nationalist, anti-Islam, anti-Marxist "tea party" movement. He wrote a manifesto calling for a Christian crusade against Islam, Marxism, and multiculturalism... sound familiar?

Anders Behring Breivik: Oslo, Norway Bombing "Necessary"

Norwegian Killer Linked to Tea Party

Tea Party Fear in Europe

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tea Party Off Balance: The Balanced Budget Amendment

TEA PARTY OFF BALANCE: The Balanced Budget Amendment Would Make The Framers Weep

200,000 Progressives Tell Obama: We Won’t Donate if You Cut Safety Net - The ITT List

200,000 Progressives Tell Obama: We Won’t Donate if You Cut Safety Net - The ITT List

Taibbi: Obama's Not Pretending. He Doesn't Want A Progressive Budget Deal. | Crooks and Liars

Taibbi: Obama's Not Pretending. He Doesn't Want A Progressive Budget Deal. | Crooks and Liars

Rebuilding the American Dream: Why Starting a Liberal Antidote to the Tea Party Movement Isn't Going to be Easy | Activism & Vision | AlterNet

Rebuilding the American Dream: Why Starting a Liberal Antidote to the Tea Party Movement Isn't Going to be Easy | Activism & Vision | AlterNet

ALEC Exposed (Tennessee)

From Tennessee Citizen Action:

ALEC EXPOSED(TN) See what the corporate backed "American Legislative Exchange Council" has been up to in Tennessee.